quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

Counting and Comparing

Do you know how to express how much money you have or how many places you have to visit during a trip? In this month's edition of the WSI Journal the grammar topic is quantifying!

Existem algumas palavras que podem ajudar a expressar diferentes quantidades de objetos, pessoas, alimentos ou dinheiro, por exemplo. Em inglês, elas são chamadas de quantifiers. Os quantifiers mais comuns são many, much, few e little. Eles são usados de forma diferente conforme o tipo de substantivo que eles adjetivem. Many e few são usados com substantivos contáveis, enquanto much e little são usados com substantivos incontáveis.

Increase: With plural countable nouns:

Many( I have many friends)
Much (Idon´t have much money)
More (I have more friends than my sister)
More (I have more money than my brother)
Most (Most of my friends are girls.)
Most (Most of mu money comes from my salary.)

Decrease: With plural uncountable nouns:

Few (I have few friends.)
Fewer (My sister has fewer friends than me.)
Fewest (I have the fewest books im my class.)
Little (I have little money.)
Less (My brother has less money than me.)
Least (I have the least money in the school.)

É muito simples utilizar os quantifiers na forma comparativa.

So, use as many quantifiers as you can and start having more fluency!

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